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The things that people usually ask

Does a doula replace the midwife?

No - we are not aiming to replace anybody, we are an addition to your support system. A doula is not medically trained, so we don't perform any examinations, give medical care or advice. We are there in a non-medical role, there to offer you emotional and physical support, to enable you to make your own informed choices and to support those choices. We can also be your advocate if you are struggling to communicate with medical staff.

I'm not a first-time parent, would I still benefit from having a doula?

Absolutely! If your first birth experience was amazing, you might feel like you want to make sure this one is too - a doula can help with that. A lot of women who had a negative birth experience in the past, hire a doula for that extra support and reassurance. It doesn't matter which number pregnancy this is, a doula will tailor their support to your needs. Also, all births are different, so don't feel like you should be a pro after your first - it's perfectly okay to want that extra support! 

Do you offer postnatal support?

I do - in my standard package, I offer 1 postnatal visit, to check in and offer any support you might need. This visit would tend to be during that first week postpartum, however, the timing completely depends on your preference and can be discussed and arranged on an individual basis, and additional visits are available too.

I am having an elective caesarean section birth, what can a doula do for me?

So many things! A lot of people think that doulas are only for women who are having a homebirth, but that is just not true. There is a doula out there for everyone that wants one. An elective caesarean birth can be an amazingly peaceful experience, and there are so many things you can do to take away any fear you might have. Having the friendly face of your doula in the operating room can really help to make you feel at ease and in control. A doula can also help you prepare for your birth and prepare for your recovery too.

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